Here you'll find answers to common questions our clients ask. Start by selecting one of the links below. If you don’t see what you need – call or contact us online.
- At what resolution should I save my photos and graphics?
- How do I go about getting an estimate from you?
- How long does it take for you to complete my order?
- Is white considered a printing color?
- Tips on file format setups
- Tips on how to save your design files
- What do I need to provide for variable data projects?
- What does personalization mean?
- What file format should I use when submitting my electronic document for printing?
- What forms of payment do you accept?
- What is a "proof"?
- What is coated paper stock?
- What is the Pantone Matching System?
- What is variable data printing?
- What kind of work does our store do?
- What type of return can I expect from personalized or variable data marketing materials?
- Why do the printed colors look different from the colors on my screen?
- Trade Terms and Conditions
At what resolution should I save my photos and graphics?
Resolution should be set to 300 dpi.
Pictures and graphics pulled from the internet are often low resolution, typically 72 dpi or 96 dpi. Avoid these graphics, as they will appear pixilated and blocky when printed.
Also note that you should save all photos in CMYK mode, not RGB mode when possible. Images saved in RGB mode may not print properly. If you are unable to save your image in CMYK mode, please let us know.
Well, since you are here, we would suggest you use our online estimate request form. Otherwise, the best way to ensure that we get all the information necessary to do an accurate quote is to give us a call and talk with one of our customer service representatives.
How long does it take for you to complete my order?
The answer is not easy. It depends on the job. When we know the specifics of your job, we will then be able to give you a time frame.
Is white considered a printing color?
Not typically. Because white is the default color of paper, it is simply recognized as the absence of any ink. However, when using colored paper, white ink may be used if any text or graphic requires it.
Tips on file format setups
Many layout programs have collecting or packaging functions that will automatically collect your document, fonts, all art including and a report. When possible, it is recommended to use these functions because without any or all of these elements we will be unable to print your postcard.
• Enclose all screen fonts and printer fonts
• Include all placed images
• Make sure your files are set with proper bleed, trim and safety areas.
BLEED: All art trimming off the edge MUST be pulled out 1/8” beyond the trim line
TRIM: This is the guideline where the card will be cut
SAFETY: All art and text within this safety area will assure that nothing will be trimmed off during the cutting process. A 1/4” guide in from the trim should work fine. -
Tips on how to save your design files
Make them print ready and acceptable for us to print.
You will need to have the full version of Adobe Acrobat PDF. If you don’t please download and use our Adobe Job Ready Program. If you do have the full version of Adobe Acrobat PDF please follow the steps below.
Under File, Print, select Adobe PDF writer
Under Properties select Press Quality and Save your PDF -
What do I need to provide for variable data projects?
We work with many types of data files, but CSV files are the safest bet. These are data files that have commas separating each field, and returns separating each line of data. To save time and hassle, make sure your data is properly formatted with each piece of data in separate fields.
Complex projects may require other files, like image files or additional data files. If you are unsure of what may be required for a particular variable project, give us a call for a consultation.
What does personalization mean?
Personalization is another term for variable data—technology for printing documents so that each piece is personalized to the specific recipient.
Personalizing can be as simple as a unique name and address on every printed piece. But more sophisticated levels of personalization can include text or images that vary based on data specific to the recipient, or data-driven graphics such as a pie chart illustrating something specific to the recipient.
What file format should I use when submitting my electronic document for printing?
PDF (Portable Document Format) is the most common and preferred file format for submitting digital documents. With the installation of a PDF print driver on your computer, virtually any program can generate a PDF file suitable for printing. Both commercial and free PDF print drivers are available online for download from different sources.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept ACH, cash, company check and all major credit cards. We can also set up a business account for you, as well. Download our credit application and our payment form.
What is a "proof"?
A proof is a way of ensuring that we have set your type accurately and that everything is positioned according to your requirements. Typically, we will produce a proof which will be sent to you online or printed on paper which can be viewed in our store or delivered to you in person.
What is coated paper stock?
Coated paper stock is a premium, high-quality paper that has been given a smooth glossy finish designed specifically for documents that require sharp details and vivid colors. Uncoated paper, by contrast, is relatively inexpensive but porous, and is best suited to the printing of black and white text documents.
What is the Pantone Matching System?
The Pantone Matching System (PMS) is a color reproduction standard in which colors all across the spectrum are each identified by a unique, independent number. The use of PMS allows us to precisely match colors and maintain color consistency throughout the printing process.
What is variable data printing?
Variable data printing is technology for printing documents so that each piece is personalized to the specific recipient. At the most basic level, this means personalizing a name and address. But for real impact, many projects include unique graphics and content that speaks directly to the recipient.
What kind of work does our store do?
We can start with just your idea and finish up by mailing it for you.
Copy Services - Our high-speed duplicators can produce copies efficiently and economically whether you provide hard copy or bring in digital files on disk. Our state of the art production duplicating equipment allow us to deliver work quickly and efficiently.
Pre-press & Design Services - We utilize the latest design technology available in order to offer a full range of design services. If you need a brochure produced, we can work from your camera ready copy, use the files you provide on disk, or design your brochure from scratch. We can accept just about any format in any media.
Printing Services - From one-color to four-color printing, our store has the capability to meet your needs. From short run to long run, we can offer a solution that will be just right for you.
Binding & Finishing Services - We can cut, perforate, score, number, fold, collate, saddle stitch, bind, and just about any other bindery process you could ever need.
Mailing Services - We can mail the jobs we do in house and jobs that others do. We can direct imprint on envelopes, self-mailers or on labels. We have barcoding services and automated mail discounts available to save you money on postage. We can get your not only your US mail out but your foriegn mail too. We can do custom forms.
Shipping & Packing - We can pack and ship your products anywhere in the world.
What type of return can I expect from personalized or variable data marketing materials?
Studies consistently show that personalized marketing receives a far greater response than static pieces.
On average, the response rate of a static direct mail campaign is around 2%. A targeted, personalized campaign that utilizes variable data technology can increase that response rate by up to 30%.
While the cost per piece of variable imaging direct mail is higher, your cost per response is much lower, increasing your return on investment.
Why do the printed colors look different from the colors on my screen?
In short, printers and monitors produce colors in different ways.
Monitors use the RGB (red, green, blue) color model, which usually supports a wider spectrum of colors. Printers use the CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) color model, which can reproduce most—but not all—of the colors in the RGB color model. Depending on the equipment used, CMYK generally matches 85–90% of the colors in the RGB model.
When a color is selected from the RGB model that is out of the range of the CMYK model, the application chooses what it thinks is the closest color that will match. Programs like Adobe Photoshop will allow you to choose which color will be replaced. Others may not.
Trade Terms and ConditionsThe Trade Terms and Conditions listed below apply to all sales of goods and services offered by Tyler Business Services, Inc. and its various subsidiaries, partners and all aspects of the seller-buyer relationship, and Purchaser agrees to be bound hereby. In these Trade Terms and Conditions, the entity or entities providing the goods and services is/are referred to as “Tyler,” and the buyer or buyers of products sold or provided by Tyler is/are referred to as “Purchaser.” Certain Tyler plants and partners may have additional unique job specification needs, production requirements and trade policies. Any such local plant trade policies are incorporated herein this reference.
a. An estimate from Tyler to Purchaser constitutes an offer to sell goods and/or provide services at the price and on the terms set out in the estimate. Acceptance of any estimate is expressly limited to the terms set out in the estimate, and all estimates are expressly subject to these Trade Terms and Conditions. Tyler objects to any different or additional terms in any response to an estimate, including any different or additional terms contained in Purchaser’s purchase order. A estimate supersedes all prior bids, quotes or offers.
b. Tyler reserves the right to revoke estimates any time prior to acceptance. Unless otherwise specified in the estimate, any estimate that is not accepted by a Purchaser within 30 days from the date of the estimate is automatically revoked and will be updated at the time of the order
c. Estimates are based on the accuracy of the specifications provided by the Purchaser. Purchaser is entirely responsible for the accuracy of all specifications. The Purchaser must promptly notify Tyler of any corrections or changes that are material to the estimate. Purchaser agrees that Tyler can re-quote a job at the time of actual submission of the job if copy or other input materials do not conform to the information on which the original estimate was based.2. ORDERS
a. An order constitutes acceptance by the Purchaser of the estimate. Orders must be submitted in accordance with the exact terms in the estimate and be accompanied by (i) a signed purchase order if Purchaser requires for payment, and (ii) either a copy of the Tyler estimate or reference to the estimate number.
b. All orders must contain clear and complete specifications for design, construction and printing. Orders will not be processed by Tyler until copy and specifications are clear.
c. Any changes to orders must be made in writing and approved by Tyler.3. FURNISHED ARTWORK
Tyler reserves the right to decide if the original furnished file and/or material is usable.4. CLEAR COPY
Clear copy should be submitted when possible. Exact spacing measurements must be given or copy must be mounted on appropriately ruled spacing charts showing horizontal and vertical spacing. Facsimile or photostatic copy is not acceptable for spacing.5. CREATIVE WORK AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
a. Artwork, type, digital files, sketches, copy, dummies and all other creative work and all other items developed, furnished, or supplied by Tyler remain Tyler’s exclusive property.
b. Tyler will have the right to use for its own purposes any ideas, methods, techniques, materials and information provided to or otherwise obtained by Tyler as a result of Purchaser’s order.6. PURCHASER FURNISHED MATERIALS
a. Materials furnished by the Purchaser or Purchaser’s suppliers, are verified at Tyler. Tyler bears no responsibility for discrepancies between receiving reports and actual counts.
b. Purchaser-supplied paper must be delivered according to specifications furnished by Tyler. These specifications will include correct weight, thickness, pick resistance and other technical requirements. Artwork, computer files, color separations, special dies or other materials furnished by Purchaser must be usable by Tyler without alteration or repair. Items not meeting this requirement will be repaired by Purchaser, or by Tyler and Tyler will invoice Purchaser at Tyler’s current rates. Tyler altered Purchaser-furnished materials become the property of Tyler unless prior arrangements are made. Unaltered Purchaser-furnished materials are Purchaser’s property and will be returned to Purchaser at the request of Purchaser or if Tyler decides to return. Tyler does prefer to order all paper and supplies for orders when possible to maintain Tyler’s high quality and to be sure the materials work well with our machinery.
c. Tyler will only maintain fire insurance coverage on property belonging to the Purchaser while the property is in Tyler’s possession. Tyler’s liability for such property will not exceed the amount recoverable from insurance.7. ELECTRONIC MANUSCRIPT, IMAGE, OR DIGITAL FILE
It is Purchaser’s responsibility to maintain a copy of the original computer file. For verification of colors and placement, a hard copy is required along with the electronic file. Tyler runs to the standard color densities from the values in Purchaser’s files. Purchaser may not rely on color monitors for accurate color representation. Tyler is not responsible for accidental damage to media supplied by Purchaser or for the accuracy of the furnished input or final output. Until digital input can be evaluated by Tyler, no claims or promises are made about Tyler’s ability to work with jobs submitted in digital format, and no liability is assumed for problems that may arise. Any additional translating, editing or programming needed to utilize Purchaser-supplied computer files will be charged at Tyler’s prevailing rates.8. EXPERIMENTAL WORK
Experimental or preliminary work cannot be used without Tyler’s written consent.9. INTERMEDIATE MATERIALS
Tyler may retain intermediate materials until the related end product has been accepted by the Purchaser. If requested by the Purchaser, intermediate materials will be stored for an additional period at an additional charge. Tyler is not liable for any loss or damage to stored material beyond what is recoverable by Tyler’s fire and extended insurance coverage.10. OUTSIDE PURCHASES
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all outside purchases as requested or authorized by the Purchaser, are chargeable by Tyler to Purchaser.11. OVER-RUNS OR UNDER-RUNS – PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS
a. Some orders may require over-runs or under-runs. The over-under runs will not exceed 10% of the quantity ordered unless otherwise noted in the estimate. Tyler will bill for the actual quantity delivered within this tolerance. If Purchaser requires a guaranteed quantity, the percentage of tolerance must be stated at the time of estimate and an additional charge may apply.
b. In the event Purchaser requires a guaranteed quantity, Tyler will add an up-charge to compensate Tyler for related wastage. The “Guaranteed Quantity” up-charge will be specified by Tyler when the job is estimated.12. OVER-RUNS OR UNDER-RUNS
In most cases, Tyler allows enough waste in estimates to ensure the quantity ordered is produced. Waste is needed for print production set up, bindery and finishing. Personalization/Variable Data orders, Tyler will always print enough to complete the order.13. PREPARATORY MATERIALS
Preparatory Materials supplied by Purchaser for the production of custom printed products will be returned upon request. Preparatory Materials, provided by Tyler or Purchaser, for imprinted products are destroyed and or returned if determined by Tyler to do so. Purchaser will be responsible for costs incurred by the return.14. PRINTING AREA & LOCK-UP SPACE
If printing a bleed, artwork must allow at least 1/4”. Any questions, contact Tyler’s Prepress Department15. PRODUCTION SCHEDULES
Production schedules will be established and followed by both Purchaser and Tyler. In the event production schedules are not adhered to by Purchaser, delivery dates will be subject to renegotiation. There will be no liability or penalty for delays due to state of war, riot, civil disorder, fire, strikes, accidents, action of government or civil authority, acts of God or other causes beyond the control of Tyler. In such cases, schedules will be extended by an amount of time equal to the delay incurred. Common delays to production schedules are: not returning proof approval on time or not paying for the job before production.16. PROOFS – COLOR
Because of differences in equipment, paper, inks and other conditions between color proofing and production pressroom operations, a reasonable variation in color between color proofs and the completed job is to be expected. When variations of this kind occur, it will be considered acceptable performance by Tyler. Tyler shall be the sole determinant of the reasonableness of variation.17. PROOFS - PREPRESS
Tyler will submit prepress proofs for Purchaser’s review and approval. Proofs and any corrections will be returned to Tyler. Return proofs must have “OK”, “OK with corrections”, or “Revised proof required” and will be signed by Purchaser. Until the “OK” is received, no additional work will be performed. Tyler will not be responsible for undetected production errors.18. PROOFS - PRESS
Press proofs will not be furnished unless they have been required in writing in Tyler’s estimate. A press sheet can be submitted for Purchaser’s approval as long as Purchaser is present at the press during make-ready. Any press time lost or alterations/corrections made because of Purchaser’s delay or change of mind will be charged at Tyler’s current rates.19. RIGHTS TO PROMOTE
Tyler reserves the right to use all products produced by Tyler in Tyler’s advertising, promotional literature or other displays and sample programs unless instructed otherwise in writing by Purchaser at the time of the order.20. DELIVERY
a. Orders must state the method of shipping, e.g., truck, UPS, etc. or to be picked up. If no shipping method is indicated, Tyler will ship “Best Way.”
b. Unless otherwise specified, Tyler does not quote shipping costs. Tyler will charge accordingly at current rates. Charges for delivery of materials and supplies from Purchaser to Tyler, or from Purchaser’s supplier to Tyler are additional.
c. The Purchaser may use their own shipping company. Purchaser will need to provide instructions as well as account information when order is submitted. Costs associated with Tyler preparing for Purchaser’s shipper will be added to the Purchaser's invoice.
d. Claims for damaged shipments should originate with the Purchaser and should be filed against the carrier making delivery. Tyler is not responsible for goods damaged, lost or delayed in shipment when using the Purchaser’s shipping company. If Tyler shipping company, see Defects, Damages and Shortages below.21. PAYMENT TERMS
a. Unless Purchaser has an account set up with Tyler, payment will need to be made in advance of production including design.
b. Purchaser who has a Tyler account shall pay invoices within thirty (30) days of receipt of the invoice. Interest shall be due on late payments. A credit application is available on the Tyler website www.tylerprint.com.
c. Advance postage will be required for all Purchasers unless an agreement is in place between the Purchaser and Tyler.
d. As security for payment of any sum due under the terms of an agreement, Tyler has the right to hold and place a lien on all Purchaser property in Tyler’s possession. This right applies even if credit has been extended, notes have been accepted, trade acceptances have been made, or payment has been guaranteed. If payment is not made Purchaser is liable for all collection costs incurred.22. TAXES
Tyler only collects and adds sales tax to Virginia, Maryland and District of Columbia Purchasers. All other Purchasers in other state will be responsible for paying the proper sales tax to the Purchaser’s state.
For Virginia, Maryland and District of Columbia Purchasers:
All amounts due for taxes and assessments will be added to Purchaser’s invoice and are the responsibility of Purchaser.
No tax exemption will be granted unless Purchaser’s “Exemption Certificate” (or other official proof of exemption) accompanies Purchaser’s purchase order or is currently on file with Tyler. Exemption Certificates must be provided my the State and must be current. Federal Non-Profit status does not exempt Purchasers from paying state sales tax. If, after Purchaser has paid the invoice, it is determined that more tax is due, then Purchaser must promptly remit the required taxes to the taxing authority, or immediately reimburse Tyler for any additional taxes paid.23. DEFECTS, DAMAGES AND SHORTAGES
Claims for defects, damages or shortages must be made by Purchaser in writing no later than ten (10) calendar days after delivery. If no such claim is made, Purchaser is conclusively deemed to have accepted the goods as delivered. By accepting the goods, Purchaser acknowledges that Tyler’s performance has fully satisfied all terms, conditions and specifications. Tyler’s liability will be limited to the quoted selling price of defective goods, without additional liability for special or consequential damages. All complaints must be made in writing and must be addressed to the Customer Service Department at the plant of manufacture. The information required will include: Tyler invoice number, production job number, type of product, client name and shipment date. A request for return of forms must be addressed to the plant of manufacture’s Customer Service Department. Please do not return forms without written permission.24. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES; LIABILITY
b. Tyler warrants that the work is as described in Purchaser’s purchase order. Purchaser understands that all sketches, copy, dummies, and preparatory work shown to Purchaser are intended only to illustrate the general type and quality of the work. They are not intended to represent the actual work performed. Tyler’s maximum liability, whether by negligence, contract or otherwise, will not exceed the return of the amount invoiced for the work in dispute. Under no circumstances will Tyler be liable for specific, individual or consequential damages.
c. In no event shall Tyler be liable to Purchaser or any other party for any indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages, including loss of profit or goodwill, even if Tyler has been advised of the possibility of such damages in advance.25. INDEMNIFICATION
a. Purchaser agrees to protect Tyler from economic loss and any other harmful consequences that could arise in connection with the goods and/or services provided by Tyler, including economic losses and harmful consequences resulting from accidents, injuries, breach of representation, warranty, provision or obligation, violation of applicable law, or infringement of the patent, trademark, copyright rights or any other intellectual property rights of third parties, unfair competition, including price discrimination, violation of the trade secret rights of third parties or any litigation based on any of the foregoing, or any investigation with respect thereto. Purchaser will hold Tyler harmless and save, indemnify and otherwise defend Tyler against claims, demands, actions and proceedings on any and all grounds. This will apply regardless of responsibility for negligence.
b. Purchaser warrants that the subject matter to be printed is not copyrighted by a third party. Purchaser also recognizes that because subject matter does not have to bear a copyright notice in order to be protected by copyright law, absence of such notice does not necessarily assure a right to reproduce. Purchaser further warrants that no copyright notice has been removed from any material used in preparing the subject matter for reproduction. To support these warranties, Purchaser agrees to indemnify and hold Tyler harmless for all liability, damages and attorney fees that may be incurred in any legal action connected with copyright infringement involving the work produced or provided.
c. Purchaser warrants that the work does not contain anything that is libelous or scandalous, or anything that threatens anyone’s right to privacy or other personal or economic rights.
d. Tyler reserves the right to use Tyler’s sole discretion in refusing to print anything Tyler deems illegal, libelous, scandalous, improper, or infringing upon copyright law.26. CHANGES TO TYLER TRADE TERMS AND CONDITIONS
Tyler may modify the terms and conditions, upon mailing notice of such changes to Purchaser’s known address or by posting the most up to date terms and conditions on www.tylerprint.com. Such changes shall be effective for all transactions between Tyler and Purchaser after the date of the notice or posting.27. FORCE MAJEURE
Tyler shall not be liable for delays or defaults in the performance of any purchase order due to causes beyond its control, including, but not limited to: Acts of God, accidents, riots, wars, government interference, non-quota related embargoes, strikes or other labor disputes.28. INCONSISTENT DOCUMENTS INEFFECTIVE
No proposal, purchase order, order confirmation, acceptance, or any other document provided by Purchaser, nor any electronic click-wrap, terms of use or similar online consent or acceptance language accompanying or set forth as a prerequisite to any electronic interface or utility associated with the provision of goods and/or services to Purchaser shall be deemed to amend the terms hereof and any such contradictory or additional terms shall be ineffective. In the event of any ambiguity or conflict between any of the terms and conditions contained in these Trade Terms and Conditions and the terms and conditions contained in Purchaser’s order, these Trade Terms and Conditions shall control, unless Tyler agrees in writing that a specific provision in these Trade Terms and Conditions is amended.29. GENERAL
a. The transaction(s) covered by these Trade Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to have been negotiated, made and entered into in the State of Virginia and any and all performance hereunder, or breach hereof, shall be interpreted, governed and construed pursuant to the laws of the State of Virginia without reference to choice of law provisions. The parties hereto hereby acknowledge and consent to personal jurisdiction and venue exclusively in Fairfax County, Virginia. If any litigation shall be commenced to enforce, or relating to, the transactions covered by these Trade Terms and Conditions, the prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of reasonable attorney fees reimbursement of such other costs as it incurs in prosecuting or defending such litigation and the parties expressly waive any right they may have to a jury trial and agree that any such litigation shall be tried by a judge without a jury.
b. The transaction(s) covered by these Trade Terms and Conditions does not constitute a partnership, joint venture, agency, employee/employer or any other similar relationship between the parties.
c. The estimate, purchase order, any exhibits and attachments specifically referenced therein, and these Trade Terms and Conditions constitutes and contain the entire agreement between the parties with regard to the transaction contemplated therein and supersedes all prior written or oral understandings and agreements relating thereto.
d. If any portion of these Trade Terms and Conditions shall be held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the legality, validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected or impaired.